020 Dr. Gillian Lockitch. Am I losing My Mind?

Oct 6, 2021 | Podcast Episode

What we hold in our heads, our memory, our feelings, our thoughts, our sense of our own history, is the sum of our humanity. (British  director, Richard Eyre)  

When I asked baby boomer and Gen X men and women what they feared most about growing older, memory loss and a fear of developing dementia was a major concern.

Many find it hard to differentiate between forgetfulness or memory loss that happens to all of us at some time or another, mild cognitive impairment in which they  experience more severe symptoms than their age cohort, and dementia. 

As the lifespan of our global population has increased, so has the prevalence of dementia  According to  Alzheimer’s disease International, In 2020 there were more than 55 million people worldwide, living with dementia.  

Freezing my contact lens was a wakeup call for me, triggering a hunt for measures to preserve my cognitive functions and keep my brain and body vital and energetic. 

Already exercising regularly, eating well, getting quality sleep and training my brain, I added two  plant-derived supplements known to support cellular energy production and cellular purification to my epigenetic and micronutrient regimen.

Book a  complimentary call with me  https://calendly.com/askdrgill/30min 

Order Growing Older Living Younger:The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably at http://www.gillianlockitch.com or find it on Kindle.

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