024 Dr. Gillian Lockitch: Lonely? You Are Not Alone

Nov 7, 2021 | Podcast Episode

In my book Growing Older, Living Younger, the Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably. I describe my personal roadmap for aging well, based on seven foundational pillars.

Today I  talk about the fifth foundational pillar.  I call pillar five Connection. As I was reflecting on living alone, loneliness, and the potential adverse consequences for mental and also physical health, I was grateful for the insights that had earlier led me to prepare myself to avoid the dangers of isolation.

2016 data from Canada and the USA showed that single person households were becoming more prevalent and that millions of people were living alone. Social isolation is a major risk factor for mental and physical adverse effects.This has been even more evident with the isolation of the pandemic. Connection and community is key to healthy aging.

The link to order your copy of Growing Older Living Younger, the Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably at a special price on my website www.askdrgill.com    

To learn how you can decelerate your aging trajectory,  stay vibrant and vigorous, or start your own online business in wellness and anti-aging, email me  at podcast@askdrgill.com  or  book a call with me at  https://calendly.com/askdrgill/30min 

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