047 Marjorie Saulson. Three Crucial Keys to Communicating with Confidence

Apr 11, 2022 | Podcast Episode

 As I was reflecting on my upcoming conversation on public speaking with today’s guest, I came across this quote from Jane Fonda. She said “People think actresses find public speaking easy, and it’s not easy at all: we’re used to hiding behind masks” 
Hiding behind a mask, is not unique to actors or other professional communicators. Many of us, in day to day conversation,  hesitate to share our true thoughts and feelings. This behaviour has been severely exacerbated in the context of the divisiveness arising from the global medical, sociopolitical and economic management of the covid 19 pandemic. 
A recurring theme in many recent episodes of Growing Older Living Younger, has been the need to celebrate the wisdom and life experience that elders gain as they age. Many retirees, with potentially several decades of active life ahead of them, may choose to share their experiences by becoming a  coach, writing a book,  launching a podcast, and often all three. It is often said, that public speaking is one of the things that many people fear the most but today, even simple conversations have often become a source of anxiety as one dances cautiously around a subject. 

My guest today is a wonderful example of someone who has not held back from sharing her wisdom  to help others overcome their fears of speaking. Marjorie Saulson is a vibrant personality,  an engaging  speaker, a generous coach and a truly inspirational role model at the age of 81. 
Named both Top Speaking Coach of the Year and Top Motivational Speaker of the Decade, Communication Confidence Coach Marjorie Saulson  “intends to be the most fabulous 100-year-old babe you ever met!” 
Author of the #1 international bestselling book, Empowering Business Owners to Overcome Speaking Fears Whether You’re Talking with 1 Person or 1,000, she is also a contributing author to the books,  America’s Leading Ladies – Stories of Courage, Challenge, and of Triumph and Heroes, Leaders, Legends – Spreading the Light of Hope and Inspiration. She supports entrepreneurs, coaches, and speakers to create clear, compelling messages and develop engaging presentation skills, so that they can confidently communicate in any situation–whether on stage, online, on the phone, or networking– and achieve their business goals.Tell me about what inspired you to want to help people overcome the fear of public speaking.

We discuss what it is about speaking in public makes people so afraid and what strategies can you use to prevent or reduce nervousness. How does this differ in a social situation? For example walking into an event where you don’t know anyone such as a networking situations? We also discussed tips for people to improve their vocal quality.

Contact Marjorie Paulson
She is providing a gift for our audience of 3 free months of membership in the Vibrant Vocal Power Academy.


Here’s the description of what you will be getting: https://vibrantvocalpower.com/academy   

Website: https://vibrantvocalpower.com/. 

Email: marjorie@vibrantvocalpower.com

Contact Dr. Gillian Lockitch
Schedule a Living Younger Discovery call with me at https://calendly.com/askdrgill/discovery-phone-chat 

Order your copy of Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and The Art of Retiring Comfortably at http://www.gillianlockitch.com  or at the Growing Older Living Younger website: http://www.askdrgill.com

And join me again for our next conversation on Growing Older Living Younger.  

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