094 Dr. Susan Wehry. Pathways to Wellbeing with Dementia – A Manual

Mar 6, 2023 | Living Younger by Changing Aging, Podcast, Podcast Episode

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on living a full life despite the diagnosis of dementia.

Today’s Featured Expert is Dr. Susan Wehry, Board Member of The Dementia Action Alliance, a non-profit advocacy and educational organization of people living with dementia, care partners, dementia specialists and other advocates, The Alliance has released a manual, “Pathways to Well-Being with Dementia” as a resource for those who are struggling with dementia or supporting someone in need of care .

We discuss common myths and misconceptions about dementia, whether temperament  predicts  affect in dementia, the new manual, as well as 7 key areas to promote healthy aging.

Episode Timeline:
[0:11] Introduction to this episode.
[4:02] Medical journey that inspired a career working with older adults
[10:15] Common myths and misconceptions about dementia.
[12:54] Personality, character and dementia.
[17:42] How did it start and where did it start?
[19:50] What does dementia have in common with disabilities?
[23:56] How to find the manual?
[28:33] The seven pillars of healthy aging.

Speaker Bio:
Susan Wehry, MD is the Director, AgingME, Maine’s Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) and Associate Clinical Professor, at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. She is a physician board certified in geriatric psychiatry, educator and passionate advocate for promoting healthy, meaningful aging, and  a member of the Dementia Action Alliance’s Board of Directors.

Learn more about the Dementia Action Alliance here:

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