106 Tessa Lynne Alburn: Intuitive Wisdom and the Ways We can Heal

May 29, 2023 | Mind and Brain, Podcast, Podcast Episode

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the power of energy healing and direct access to intuitive wisdom to keep one living a healthy and harmonious life

Today’s Featured Guest is Tessa Lynne Alburn, certified life and business coach for women and creator of the Realized Soul program.
We discuss how Tessa’s exploration of alternate healing systems, core shamanic practices, soul retrieval and connection with a power animal led her to a place of intuitive wisdom to heal herself, and be able to help clients and friends.

Episode Timeline
[0:11] Introduction to today’s guest speaker

[3:17] Tessa’s personal journey to her present work in healing

0 [5:46]  Dealing with depression as a teenager.

[10:23] How the power of shamanic drumming healed her

[15:26] How shamanic practices work and how to welcome your power animal.

[20:58] Her current use of traditional shamanism

[22:56] Soul light healing and the 8 areas of energy healing.

[28:16] Negative love syndrome and the never healed rift in the soul

[33:29] The core principle underlying all healing.

[38:51] The power of positive gratitude and affirmations.

Key Takeaway
At the basis of all healing, there’s got to be belief that I can be healed. That is one of the key piece that holds the container for healing – opening to greater and greater self love.

Learn more about Tessa Alburn here:

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/realizedsoulwithtessa/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/RealizedSoulwithTessa/

Free Gift – http://tessafreegift.com/


LinkTree  https://linktr.ee/Realized.Soul

For more information on the Change Your Aging Masterplan: book a  free Discovery Call with me or email Dr. Gill at askdrgill@gmail.com
To get your copy of Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and The Art of Retiring Comfortably click here 

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