Growing Older Living Younger – Tools, Resources, Strategies Giveaway

Aug 5, 2023 | Live Younger Longer Blog, Living Younger by Changing Aging

Since the founding of Growing Older Living Younger at the end of 2020, we have successfully launched several initiatives aimed at enhancing healthspan to Live Younger Longer.

The book, Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably was published. If you have not yet obtained your copy, check out the link on this website or find the digital edition on kindle.

The Growing Older Living Younger podcast, began its second season with the airing of Episode 101. it is aired on multiple platforms – wherever you listen, please rate and review.

The Change Your Aging Masterplan 5 week online group coaching program was successfully piloted and a 12 week program will be launched later this year.

The private Facebook group, the Growing Older Living Younger Community was started as a forum for us would be Super-Agers to share and interact. Within this private facebook group we will be hosting a series of free 5 day challenges to help with important healthy aging topics such as sleep, energy, sugar cravings and bone building. Join the community to be able to participate.

And coming in September the Growing Older Living Younger giveaway, will offer a cornucopia of free resources, tools and strategies to help us all in our goal to achieve Healthy Aging. Links to sign up will be coming soon.

We welcome any feedback and suggestions – please use the comment option to share your thoughts.