166 Haleh Shoa: Preserving Memories and Memorabilia

Jul 22, 2024 | Connection and Challenges, Mind and Brain, Podcast, Podcast Episode

 EPISODE 166 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER with Haleh Shoa, focuses on preserving memories and memorabilia as a gateway to our story, our past and our legacy. Haleh is the founder and CEO of Picturli, a photo organization, curation, archiving and design studio, that helps families, individuals and businesses transform their photo chaos into one sortable Digital Library. She created her company to help individuals, families and companies preserve their memories and tell their stories. Her passion for photo organizing stems from her family’s history of being uprooted by the Iranian revolution in 1979. Among the few belongings they were able to bring to the US were their photo albums and memorabilia. Now, the only memories that remain from her childhood are through her family photos and the stories shared with her through the collection, that she preserved. As a certified professional photo organizer in Los Angeles, Haleh is backed by her 27 years of technical expertise as an executive creative producer in advertising for luxury brands such as Ritz Carlton, Apple, and Jaguar Land Rover. Her past experience includes leading the global advertising launch campaign of the iPad Mini, with a team of 56 people. Picturli was born from her love of people, her keen eye for photography, and her unquenchable desire for storytelling.

Episode Timeline

  [0:11] Introduction to Preserving memories and stories through photo organization and archiving.

  [6:32] Organizing and digitizing family photos and memorabilia.

[14:34] Organizing travel memories and photos with a certified photo organizer.

[20:15] The impact of Ai on privacy in photo management.

[27:42] Photo organizing goals, and questions to ask a professional organizer.

[32:29] Preserving your memories through digital and analog means

Learn more about Haleh Shoa and Picturli here

To receive Your 7-Step Guide to Organizing Your Photos and more on how to contact Picturli, please visit http://www.picturelifecurated.com

Instagram: @picturli


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/halehshoa/


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