191 Can Anger be a Force for Positive Change with Bronwyn Schweigerdt

Jan 13, 2025 | Podcast, Podcast Episode

In episode 191 of Growing Older, Living Younger, Dr. Gillian Lockitch explores the transformative potential of anger with Bronwyn Schweigerdt, a licensed psychotherapist, anger expert, and host of “Angry at the Right Things” podcast. Bronwyn has masters degrees in both Counseling and Nutrition. She shares her unique journey, from a career in nutrition to becoming a psychotherapist, inspired by her personal struggles with severe depression and anxiety. Through her story, she highlights how suppressed anger often manifests as anxiety, depression, or physical symptoms, emphasizing the importance of addressing its root causes. Bronwyn reframes anger as a signal from the body—much like a warning light on a car dashboard—alerting us to unresolved issues or unmet needs. Rather than suppress or avoid it, she advocates for acknowledging anger, attuning to it, and channeling it healthily through boundaries, assertive communication, or accountability.The discussion delves into the role of childhood experiences in shaping our emotional responses and the impact of shame and betrayal on mental health. Bronwyn emphasizes the need to heal our relationship with anger to foster self-integration and wholeness. By understanding anger as a natural and necessary emotion, we can cultivate healthier relationships with ourselves and others.  Listeners are encouraged to view anger not as a flaw but as a tool for self-awareness and growth. This empowering conversation will provide valuable insights into how embracing and managing anger constructively can lead to greater emotional resilience and well-being.

Episode Timeline:

[0:00] Introduction to the Podcast

[3:01] Introduction of Bronwyn Schweigerdt 

[4:56] Bronwyn’s Personal Journey and Inspiration

[8:57] The Role of Therapists and Personal Reflections

[10:59] Understanding and Managing Anger 

[12:43] Case Study: Anxiety and Suppressed Anger

[91:33] The Impact of Shame and Betrayal

[32:12] Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Other Modalities

[34:33] Key Takeaways and Final Thoughts

[37:45] Conclusion and Call to Action

Learn about Bronwyn Schweigerdt’s work


https://www.facebook.com/bronwyn.schweigerdtDo you care deeply about wellness, beauty, aging youthfully or starting your own business?

Action Steps: DownLoad E-Book Guides from Dr. Gillian Lockitch

E Book:  7 Keys Guide to Living Younger Longer

E Book: Guide to Mind and Memory Boosting Strategies 

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