Welcome to Growing Older, Living Younger

Growing Older, Living Younger (GOLY) will empower you to change your aging process at the cellular level, to feel vibrant, healthy and energetic as you age. Through the lens of epigenetic science, we will explore the small steps you can take on a daily basis, to change your aging trajectory and promote health span over lifespan.

New research reveals that what you think, how you move, what you eat, how you interact with others, stimulate your mind or challenge yourself, can modulate expression of your genes. You inherit your genetic blueprint from your parents. But you construct the person that you become.

The GOLY Roadmap to healthy aging is based on modulating gene expression through lifestyle changes in 7 core areas, as introduced in my book Growing Older, Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably.

This website is your hub for all things related to Growing Older, Living Younger including the GOLY Blog, the Podcast Blog and links, Sources and Resources. Join the Growing Older, Living Younger Facebook group, invite your friends to join and let’s start a movement to build a GOLY-Generation of SuperCentenarians.

DNS Strand | Ask Dr. Gill
099 Dawn Bennett. A Healing Touch

099 Dawn Bennett. A Healing Touch

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on touch therapy and other forms of alternative therapies and energy work. Today’s Featured Expert is Dawn Bennett We have a wide-ranging conversation about the importance of touch, neurolinguistic programming,...

096  Jen Unwin.  Could You Be Addicted to Food ?

096 Jen Unwin. Could You Be Addicted to Food ?

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on food addiction, predominantly to sugar and other carbohydrate Today’s Featured Expert is Dr. Jen Unwin, author of Fork in the Road: A Hopeful Guide to Food Freedom.We discuss carbohydrate addiction, the yoyo...

095  Dr. Lucinda Sykes. Sleep Well, Be Well

095 Dr. Lucinda Sykes. Sleep Well, Be Well

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on sleep and the ways we can achieve sufficient natural sleep. Today’s Featured Expert is retired medical doctor and  longtime mindfulness teacher, Dr. Lucinda Sykes on her approach to promoting deep...

094 Dr. Susan Wehry. Pathways to Wellbeing with Dementia – A Manual

094 Dr. Susan Wehry. Pathways to Wellbeing with Dementia – A Manual

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on living a full life despite the diagnosis of dementia. Today’s Featured Expert is Dr. Susan Wehry, Board Member of The Dementia Action Alliance, a non-profit advocacy and educational organization of people living...

093 Bob Schafer: Train Your Brain while Playing Games

093 Bob Schafer: Train Your Brain while Playing Games

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on improving your cognitive functioning through playing computer brain training games. Today’s Featured Expert discussing the neuroscience of cognitive training and the Lumosity brain training program, is Bob...

092 Jennifer Buchanan: The Power of a Playlist to Transform Aging

092 Jennifer Buchanan: The Power of a Playlist to Transform Aging

Do you love music? Today you will hear how carefully curated, mindfully selected music has the power to transform your emotions and promote mental  health. In the Growing Older Living Younger podcast I share with you insights from a variety of experts in healthy aging...

Growing Older, Living Younger Book | Ask Dr. Gill

Growing Older Living Younger is affiliated with the SuperAge News Network and BabyBoomer.org, where you can find more great content about the longevity revolution and positive aging.

Ask Dr. Gill | SuperAging News Network


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