Welcome to Growing Older, Living Younger

Growing Older, Living Younger (GOLY) will empower you to change your aging process at the cellular level, to feel vibrant, healthy and energetic as you age. Through the lens of epigenetic science, we will explore the small steps you can take on a daily basis, to change your aging trajectory and promote health span over lifespan.

New research reveals that what you think, how you move, what you eat, how you interact with others, stimulate your mind or challenge yourself, can modulate expression of your genes. You inherit your genetic blueprint from your parents. But you construct the person that you become.

The GOLY Roadmap to healthy aging is based on modulating gene expression through lifestyle changes in 7 core areas, as introduced in my book Growing Older, Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably.

This website is your hub for all things related to Growing Older, Living Younger including the GOLY Blog, the Podcast Blog and links, Sources and Resources. Join the Growing Older, Living Younger Facebook group, invite your friends to join and let’s start a movement to build a GOLY-Generation of SuperCentenarians.

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059 Louise VN Liebenberg: How Unresolved Trauma Affects Our Lives

059 Louise VN Liebenberg: How Unresolved Trauma Affects Our Lives

Psychologist, Peter A Levine points out that ” trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence”.  In today’s conversation with my guest, Louise Liebenberg, we look at ways to identify how unresolved traumas may be adversely impacting...

058 Dr. Mort Orman: Stop Stress from Aging You Prematurely.

058 Dr. Mort Orman: Stop Stress from Aging You Prematurely.

Some of the most frequently used, possibly overused, words that I have heard over the past few years are “I’m so stressed.”  Psychologist, Wayne Dyer, said that the truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it's your thoughts that create...

057 Cathy Derksen: Sharing Life Stories to Create a Global Community

057 Cathy Derksen: Sharing Life Stories to Create a Global Community

Frank McCourt, author of the memoir,  Angela’s Ashes wrote, ”everyone has a story to tell - all you have to do is write it. But it’s not that easy.” In today’s conversation, we talk about the power of telling your story and becoming part of global...

056 Dr. Katharine Grabek. How Animal Genomics Can Inform Human Health

056 Dr. Katharine Grabek. How Animal Genomics Can Inform Human Health

In today’s episode we discuss how the study of animal genes may shed light on human disorders of aging such as stroke, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. We know that our circadian wake and sleep rhythms are controlled by a biological master clock deep in the...

055 David Loud: Facing the Music

055 David Loud: Facing the Music

As I  was thinking about my upcoming conversation with David Loud, author of "Facing the Music", a  quote from piano man, Billy Joel, struck a chord with me. Joel said “I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's...

054 Dr. Ben Behnam: Hair Loss: Causes, Prevention and Treatments.

054 Dr. Ben Behnam: Hair Loss: Causes, Prevention and Treatments.

As I was preparing to record this episode, fixing my hair and checking my appearance, I was pondering the importance of hair to the image we present to the world. Two things came to mind. Hair is a constantly renewable resource and that means we can experiment to...

053 Chris Westfall: Make Your Life Easier

053 Chris Westfall: Make Your Life Easier

Today I talk with Chris Westfall, about how to make life easier in these troubling times. One of my all-time most admired and respected actors, Robert Redford, commented “ I’m interested in that thing that happens where there's a breaking point for some...

052 Dr. Helen Knaggs. Your Skin: A Window to Your Health.

052 Dr. Helen Knaggs. Your Skin: A Window to Your Health.

 Audrey Hepburn, a Screen Legend and a truly iconic beauty, said “The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.”  I was reflecting on previous discussions I have had on ageism as I read yet another comment on beauty and aging youthfully. The debate centered...

Growing Older, Living Younger Book | Ask Dr. Gill

Growing Older Living Younger is affiliated with the SuperAge News Network and BabyBoomer.org, where you can find more great content about the longevity revolution and positive aging.

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