Welcome to Growing Older, Living Younger

Growing Older, Living Younger (GOLY) will empower you to change your aging process at the cellular level, to feel vibrant, healthy and energetic as you age. Through the lens of epigenetic science, we will explore the small steps you can take on a daily basis, to change your aging trajectory and promote health span over lifespan.

New research reveals that what you think, how you move, what you eat, how you interact with others, stimulate your mind or challenge yourself, can modulate expression of your genes. You inherit your genetic blueprint from your parents. But you construct the person that you become.

The GOLY Roadmap to healthy aging is based on modulating gene expression through lifestyle changes in 7 core areas, as introduced in my book Growing Older, Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably.

This website is your hub for all things related to Growing Older, Living Younger including the GOLY Blog, the Podcast Blog and links, Sources and Resources. Join the Growing Older, Living Younger Facebook group, invite your friends to join and let’s start a movement to build a GOLY-Generation of SuperCentenarians.

DNS Strand | Ask Dr. Gill
001 Welcome to Growing Older Living Younger

001 Welcome to Growing Older Living Younger

Welcome to Growing Older, Living Younger (GOLY), the podcast where you will discover ways to boost your metabolism, enhance your mental and physical energy, and ward off disorders we wrongly think are inevitable as we age.



As the years pile on... and doesn't it seem as if each year goes by faster than the one before?  most of us start noticing that we are becoming more forgetful.  Some of us put it down to aging. I prefer to think my mind is simply busy with multi-...

Early Morning Exercising

Early Morning Exercising

Last year, when masking, social distancing and isolating became the 'new norm' , I worked hard to keep up my fitness level and avoid regaining the tummy fat I had lost with my ketogenic and intermittent fasting life style. All through spring and summer,...

DNA – Your Blueprint and Whence it Came

DNA – Your Blueprint and Whence it Came

DNA testing, once the primary domain of labs performing diagnosis for specific genetic diseases, is now everywhere.  You can spit into a collection tube and DNA can be extracted from your saliva and analysed to tell you about your...

Cellular Detox – essential house cleaning

Cellular Detox – essential house cleaning

I have always been a bit bemused by those who promote colon cleansing or detoxing unless it's for a valid indication like bowel preparation for a colonoscopy. After all detoxing is what your colon does for you when you poop, cleansing your gut of...

Biological clocks – not on standard time

Biological clocks – not on standard time

When I think about the myriad biological clocks that keep the metabolism of our organs and tissues ticking along, so to speak, the image that comes to my mind is of a comic Rube Goldberg device where an action triggers sequential chain reactions to bring...

Aging is inevitable –  changing aging is your choice

Aging is inevitable – changing aging is your choice

Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change (Thomas Hardy.)   Do you ever think about how you are aging? Second by second, hour by hour, day by day, we grow older chronologically. But the signs of biological...

The 7 Critical Pillars of The GOLY Project

The 7 Critical Pillars of The GOLY Project

The GOLY Project is founded on 7 Pillars that were the basis of my roadmap to healthy aging. These are the aspects of life and lifestyle that I worked on during my rehabilitation from spinal surgery, and that I focus on today to maintain optimal mental and...

Growing Older, Living Younger Book | Ask Dr. Gill

Growing Older Living Younger is affiliated with the SuperAge News Network and BabyBoomer.org, where you can find more great content about the longevity revolution and positive aging.

Ask Dr. Gill | SuperAging News Network
