Welcome to Growing Older, Living Younger

Growing Older, Living Younger (GOLY) will empower you to change your aging process at the cellular level, to feel vibrant, healthy and energetic as you age. Through the lens of epigenetic science, we will explore the small steps you can take on a daily basis, to change your aging trajectory and promote health span over lifespan.

New research reveals that what you think, how you move, what you eat, how you interact with others, stimulate your mind or challenge yourself, can modulate expression of your genes. You inherit your genetic blueprint from your parents. But you construct the person that you become.

The GOLY Roadmap to healthy aging is based on modulating gene expression through lifestyle changes in 7 core areas, as introduced in my book Growing Older, Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably.

This website is your hub for all things related to Growing Older, Living Younger including the GOLY Blog, the Podcast Blog and links, Sources and Resources. Join the Growing Older, Living Younger Facebook group, invite your friends to join and let’s start a movement to build a GOLY-Generation of SuperCentenarians.

DNS Strand | Ask Dr. Gill
151 Amy K Wilson: Fat Loss the FASTer Way

151 Amy K Wilson: Fat Loss the FASTer Way

EPISODE 151 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on individualized nutrition and exercise programs to prevent and reverse diseases as we age. Today’s Featured Expert is Amy K. Wilson, a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist and certified fitness professional. Amy is...

150 Dr. Gillian Lockitch: Changing Aging to Live Younger Longer

150 Dr. Gillian Lockitch: Changing Aging to Live Younger Longer

In EPISODE 150 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER I celebrate the power of commitment and constancy that enabled this podcast to reach the milestone of 150 episodes, aired every Monday for three years without fail. Previous episodes have spotlit strategies from authors,...

148 Theresa Lear Levine: Becoming More YOU: Tapping and Hypnotherapy

148 Theresa Lear Levine: Becoming More YOU: Tapping and Hypnotherapy

 EPISODE 148 of GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) and Hypnotherapy to overcome past traumas, anxiety and adult ADHD. Today’s Featured Expert is EFT Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Theresa Lear...

146 Susan O’Connell: A Zen Inspired Senior Living Community

146 Susan O’Connell: A Zen Inspired Senior Living Community

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the practice of Zen, Buddhism and how being part of a Zen inspired community can enhance our own practice of calmness and inner peace. Today’s Featured Guest is Zen teacher, Susan O'Connell, who has lived at the...

143 Susan Janzen: How to Live and Love Each Day

143 Susan Janzen: How to Live and Love Each Day

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on resilience  and triumph over adversity, through keeping a mindset of personal responsibility for your own happiness, and creating a joyful life. We also discuss the fascinating story of the  Gold Rush and ...

142 Mary Elaine Petrucci: Hypnosis and Your Unconscious Mind

142 Mary Elaine Petrucci: Hypnosis and Your Unconscious Mind

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the power of hypnosis to reach the unconscious mind and free you of limiting beliefs that may hold you back in many areas of your life. Today’s Featured Guest is Mary Elaine Petrucci, Institute Head and Trainer...

Growing Older, Living Younger Book | Ask Dr. Gill

Growing Older Living Younger is affiliated with the SuperAge News Network and BabyBoomer.org, where you can find more great content about the longevity revolution and positive aging.

Ask Dr. Gill | SuperAging News Network
